The hierarchy of open space (hectares) for recreational purposes adopted by the Department of Town and Country Planning (JPBD) are categories as below.

Hierarchy-------Size of Open Space ---- Population Catchment

1) National Park----------------- Unlimited -------------------- National
2) Regional Park------------------- 100 ------------------------- Regional
3) Urban Park--------------------- 40 --------------------------> 50,000
4) Local Park ----------------------- 8 ----------------------- 12,000 - 50,000
5) Neighbourhood Park ----------- 2 ------------------------3,000 - 12,000
6) Playing Field ------------------- 0 - 6 ----------------------- 1,000 - 3,000
7) Playground -------------------- 0 - 2 ------------------------ 300 - 1,000
8) Roof Garden ------------------ Varies ----------------------- Target Group

- When designating open spaces for recreational purposes, the size of the open space must correspond to the number of inhabitants and the functional recreational elements accorded to the site.

- A residential development comprising a densely populated high rise building for instance, must be planned to accommodate the needs of all age groups.

- The 10% open space may not be sufficient but through understanding and planning of the actual needs requirements of various segments of the population, the wellbeing of the population can be accommodated.

- When planning for the hierarchy of open spaces and gardens for these purposes, it is important to prioritize the need of the youngster population as their requirements are geared towards active play and energy busting.

- Landscape architects must observe in detail how open space, playgrounds, gardens, game courts and recreational facilities are being used in various types of communities.

- In the greater spectrum, the principle of planning the open space and recreational areas adopted by the Department of Town and Country Planning relates to three main principles.

- The first principle is the relationship between man and the creator. The principle stresses on equality, accessibility, beauty, systematic, visionary and sustainability.

- The second is the relationship between man and man. The principle focuses on safety and comfort, interaction, culture-oriented image, balance and harmonious environment to promote a caring society.

- And third, the relationship between man and the environment. The principle espouses aesthetics, cleanliness and conservation of flora and fauna.


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